
Aquatek Solutions Is A Company Dedicated To Helping And Caring For The Health Of The Entire Community By Providing The Highest Quality Water Systems For Homes And Businesses.

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Water Softener Certifications

As you’ve been searching for a water softener for your home, you may have noticed that some mention that they’re tested and certified. What does it mean if a water softener has been tested and certified? An independent third party has looked at the system and validated that it meets certain criteria. We’ll cover why […]

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Is Softened Water Salty?

Although many people don’t want to deal with hard water, they’re concerned about installing a water softener because of the salt (salt-free water softeners don’t exist). While it’s true that softening water does add sodium (in place of hardness minerals), there are a few things you should know. One is that Puronics’ latest models only […]

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Consider this scenario: you move into a new home. You go to wash your hands or shampoo your hair for the first time, and the soap doesn’t want to lather. Or you wash the dishes, and they wind up covered with water spots. Over time you notice your skin is dryer than usual, and your […]

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